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This section provides a short description and requirement list of libraries and applications. All of them are downloadable from the SourceForge Download Page and can be configured, compiled and installed using the usual command sequence:
$ ./configure
$ ./make
$ ./make install

Lightweight XPP implementation. Requires:
  • libsofia-sip-ua >= 1.12.6, both library and header files
  • libssl >= 0.9, both library and header files
  • On debian based systems they can be installed running the following command:
    % apt-get install libsofia-sip-ua-dev libssl-dev
Lightweight PCAN implementation. Requires:
  • libxpp >= 0.2, both library and header files
  • libgmp3 >= 4.1, both library and header files
  • Unce installed libxpp, on debian based systems they can be installed running the following command:
    % apt-get install libgmp3-dev
Command line application implementing a PCAN node. Requires:
  • libsipdht2 >= 0.1, both library and header files
Graphical application implementing a PCAN node. Requires:
  • libsipdht2 >= 0.1, both library and header files
  • libsofia-sip-ua-glib >= 1.12.6, both library and header files
  • libgnomecanvas >= 2.14, both library and header files
  • libglade >= 2.6, both library and header files
  • Unce installed libsipdht2, on debian based systems they can be installed running the following command:
    % apt-get install libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev libglade2-dev
Graphical application simulating an overlay with an arbitrary number of PCAN nodes. Requires:
  • libsipdht2 >= 0.1, both library and header files
  • libsofia-sip-ua-glib >= 1.12.6, both library and header files
  • libgnomecanvas >= 2.14, both library and header files
  • Unce installed libsipdht2, on debian based systems they can be installed running the following command:
    % apt-get install libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev


Peer to Peer Communications over the Internet: An Open Approach (pdf) , Swapnil Dinkar Pundkar, July 2007
Quite a detailed description of the SIPDHT2 project, written by the student from Indian Institute of Technology (Guwahati, India) who wrote most of XPP test programs.
SIPDHT: An Open Source Project for P2PSIP (pdf), Alex Fandrianto, July 2007
An internship report written by a student who had the bad idea to spend his summertime working on SIPDHT2. The paper, after a nice overview of the project, suggests an interesting improvements for the algorithm.
Comunicazioni basate sull'utilizzo peer-to-peer del protocollo SIP (pdf) , Matteo Peraldo, November 2006
A very detailed description of the first version of SIPDHT, with algorithms and perfomance analysis. An extremely interesting document which deserves an English translation (Italian only).


[gc]sipdht2 screenshot

Eight peers (seven gsipdht2 and one csipdht2 instances) running on the same pc.

gsim-sipdht2 screenshot

Ten peers executed in the simulator.


The following videos show the applications in action. Needless to say, if you can, download and install both the libraries and the applications and don't waste your time here.

Short gsipdht2 demonstration.

Short gsim-sipdht2 demonstration.

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